
Discord Bot

  1. Authorize Podium

    Open this link in a web browser to allow Podium to access your Discord server

  2. Invoke command

    Enter a "slash command" message straight into your discord server, in any channel.

    • /results

      Retrieve results of a smash tournament for a given player list


      /results players: Player1, Player2, Player3 event: https://smash.gg/fns


      • players

        Player or crew tags to fetch results for (comma delimited, case sensitive). E.g. Loki, BaM
      • event

        Smash.gg tournament or event URL to examine for results
      • showmissing

        Include missing players in output? [True|False] (case sensitive)
    • /help

      Displays Podium help message

What are slash commands?

Read more about Discord's slash commands here:


I need help!

Check out the /help page